Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions

SMS SMTP Interface

Send SMS through E-Mail even without programming skills.

Usage notes

Email formatting

Messages to the SMTP interface MUST contain ASCII-Plaintext. Special characters MUST be encoded using ISO-8859-1 standard. HTML or any other encoding will be rejected. E-mail- and webmail-clients, sending HTML-encoded e-mails are not suitable for testing purposes (e.g. GMail etc.).

Valid destination addresses

  1. textsms@smtp.aspsms.com

    Sends a plain text message to an SMS recipient. The subject line must contain at least the userkey, the password and the recipient number.


    Optionally, the SMS originator can be specified in the subject line. Use: Originator=MYORIGINATOR

    In case the subject line doesn't accept the necessary number of characters, you can just use the first letter to adress the keyword:
    Userkey = U, Password = P, Recipient = R, Originator = O.


    Delivery status notifications for SMS
    The optional subject line parameter "Notify" can be set to the following values:

    1. Notify=ALWAYS
      Email notifications are sent for the statuses "Delivered","Buffered" and "Failed".

    2. Notify=NONE
      No Email notifications will be sent.

    3. Notify=FAILED
      Email notifications are sent for the status "Failed" but not for the statuses "Delivered" and "Buffered".

    4. <Empty>
      Email notifications are sent for the statuses "Delivered" and "Failed" but not for the status "Buffered".

  2. <Recipient>@smtp.aspsms.com

    Sends a plain text message to an SMS recipient. Usage:

    From: <SMTP Originator Client>
    To: <Recipient>@smtp.aspsms.com
    Subject: Originator=<Originator>
    Body: <MessageText>

    Important: SMS recipient numbers must start with 00. The plus character is not accepted by the SMTP interface.

    correct: 0041790000000@smtp.aspsms.com
    wrong: +41790000000@smtp.aspsms.com
    From: c4ca423@client.com
    To: 0041790000000@smtp.aspsms.com
    Subject: Originator=+41760000000
    Body: Hello world!

    The following applies:
    The SMTP interface only processes ASCII Plain Text. Special characters must be encoded in ISO-8859-1 standard. HTML or other code are rejected. E-Mail and webmail clients that send HTML-encoded e-mails are unsuitable for testing (eg GMail etc.).

    The subject is optional. If no originator is defined, the ASPSMS system sets the Originator 'SMS' or uses a predefined default Originator (eg +417912345678).

    Authentication is based on the sender's e-mail address (SMTP Originator)*. This e-mail address should be different from the ASPSMS account e-mail address. Before SMS can be delivered to <Recipient>@smtp.aspsms.com, the used e-mail sender address must be authorized.

    (* This implicit authentication by SMTP Originator means that the sender email address is the "secret" and not the usually used combination of Userkey and password. You therefore should choose an e-mail address which is different from the account e-mail address. It should not be self-explanatory and you have to keep this e-mail address secret, similar to your combination of Userkey and password.)

    Settings 2-Factor Authentification on Barracuda SSL-VPN Appliance with ASPSMS

  3. xml@smtp.aspsms.com

    Sends an XML formatted message to the ASPSMS system. For further information on the required XML format see:


    Any XML reply from the system will be routed back to the sender's address of the request E-Mail. If there is no sender address, the XML reply will be silently discarded.

    The subject line has no meaning for this destination address, and can be left empty.

Outgoing mail server

To send emails to the SMTP interface, you can use your own outgoing mail server, the outgoing mail server of your Internet service provider or the ASPSMS outgoing mail server. Using STARTTLS on port 25 or port 587, the delivery of SMS jobs to the ASPSMS system using the SMTP interface is encrypted end-to-end. For this reason, we recommend using the ASPSMS outgoing mail server via port 587.

Authorized SMTP Originators

In order to use the SMTP interface for sending to recipient addresses according to the pattern <Recipient>@smtp.aspsms.com (e.g. 0041790000000@smtp.aspsms.com), the used sender email address must first be authorized as SMTP originator. This implicit authentication by SMTP originator means that not the combination of userkey and password is the "secret", but the used sender email address. For each authorized SMTP originator a standard SMS originator can be defined. This is used if no SMS originator has been set explicitly.

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Indestructible: Renaissance of SMS in the Digital Age
New SMS Blaster Windows Version: Try it out now
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We offer several attractive affiliate programs for developers, portals, ISP's, magazines, download sites and personal individuals.
No Setup Fee
Our prices are easy to understand! No setup costs, no maintanance fees, no fix costs at all. You pay just the desired SMS volume and based on very advantageous prices.
SMS for your Visitors
Add a SMS portal to your website or your clients website. A very good marketing instrument to get high traffic and to open new revenue streams based on next generation mobile technologies.
Global Two-Way SMS
Check out our new Two-Way SMS Service with global reach! No SIM-cards needed, no setup fee, very fast setup and a very low monthly price per number...
Roaming to other Countries
Our special offer: At no additional costs you get the possibility to send SMS to more than 200 countries.


Supported operators in your country:

Elisa Corporation
Telia Finland